I want to apologize for my tardiness in recent years. With lifestyle changes (having kids, increased workloads at my day job, etc), I just have not had much free time to work on my projects. I pick at them here and there when I can.
For my fellow AceMoney users:
1) My LSFinance app for Blackberry was put on hold in mid 2012. Not from a lack of interest, mind you. To this day, I still want an AceMoney-compatible app for my Blackberry phone. There were multiple factors involved:
- lack of time
- with the introduction of AMJ encryption in AceMoney 4.20.1, my app was no longer able to access AceMoney data. I have technical specs from MechCAD on how the encryption works, but was not able to get it working in my app yet.
- after seeing the direction MechCAD took with their AceMoney Receipts app, I decided my app was taking the wrong design approach trying to access MMW/AMJ files directly. But I did not have time to work on a redesign yet.
- BlackBerry now supports Android, so I hope that AceMoney Receipts works on BlackBerry 10 devices (which I do not have yet). If it does, that would make my app obsolete before it can be released, unless I only target pre-BB10 devices.
2) I started a new AceMoney Configuration Editor tool awhile back ago. It allows editing AceMoney settings that are not accessible within the main AceMoney UI, especially the ability to add/remove/edit Bank OFX info and custom Currencies. It has been slowly coming along, but it has been a few months since I last worked on it. The ability to edit Bank OFX info in particular repeatedly comes up in the AceMoney forums, so it would be a handy feature to have. I have been waiting for some technical specs from MechCAD that were promised to me a few years ago and never delivered, which is the primary reason this tool has not been released yet.
For my fellow MSAgent users:
Ever since I wrote and published my MSAgent Character format spec sheet in 2003 (last updated in 2009), it has always been my goal to bring MSAgent to other platforms. Last week, as a proof of concept, I started working on something towards that goal - an MSAgent engine for Android. Progress has been good so far, I have some basic functionality working (loading an ACS file, playing animations, moving and gesturing). I intend to keep working on it, and hopefully release a public library and API that Android developers can use in their apps.
That is it for now.
Until next time...